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Established 1979
In 1979, a group of Colorado Akita owners and breeders, with the assistance of the Akita Club of America, decided to help each other and new owners by establishing a club in the Rocky Mountain area. Along with the standard accepted by the American Kennel Club, a constitution and code of ethics were established and in September of 1979 the first meeting of the Rocky Mountain Akita Club was held.
The club has found its purpose in not only keeping its members and the public up to date on the Akita breed, but by providing obedience and conformation classes, conducting matches for its members and other Akita owners, and by participating in various activities relating to the welfare of the breed and the education of the public. In 1988 the Rocky Mountain Akita Club hosted the Akita Club of America’s National Specialty Show.
In 1992, after years of hard work, the Rocky Mountain Akita Club was licensed by the American Kennel Club and can now hold independent Akita specialty point shows. The standards set by the AKC in granting this status are strict and RMAC and its members are proud to note the Rocky Mountain Akita Club is the first local Akita Club in the United States to be licensed.
Membership is not restricted to dog show people or even to Akita owners. The primary purpose of the membership is furtherance of the Akita breed as a whole.
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